Going all the way back to 1927, here are the club trophies available for Warrington Road Club members to compete for each year:
The Warrington Road Club history of Every Winner from Every Year since 1927 is found in the link below:
(1). Dingsdale Perpetual Trophy – Awarded to the rider returning the best average speed in the 10, 25, 50 and 100 mile time trials on Cheshire, Liverpool and North DC (J, D, L) courses. George Dingsdale had cycle shops in St.Helens and Haydock. Presented by G.Dingsdale Sen 1927.
(2) Harry C. Barker Memorial Trophy – Awarded to the rider returning the fastest time in the H.C.Barker memorial 50. Harry was a Founder Member of the Road Club and a leading timekeeper. Presented by members and friends of the late H.C.Barker 1947.
(3) Brown Trophy – Awarded to the first handicap winner in the H.C.Barker memorial 50. Presented by A.Brown Esq.
(4) Derek Devonport Memorial Plaque – Awarded to the 50-&-Over winner of the Club’s Road Race. Derek was Club Treasurer and National Treasurer RTTC. Presented by J.Devonport 1998.
(5) Crabtree Trophy – Awarded to the fastest first year road club rider over 25 – 50 miles. There used to be Crabtree Cycle Shops in Warrington and Widnes. Presented by Crabtree Ltd. Warrington/Widnes 1947.
(6) Sherlock Trophy – Awarded to the highest placed club member in the BBAR competition. Bill Sherlock had a cycle shop in St.Helens and was a member of the Road Club. Presented by A.Sherlock & Sons 1950.
(7) Austin Morgan Trophy – Awarded to the overall club champion covering road racing, time trialling and open track events. Austin had a cycle shop in Warrington and was a racing member of the Road Club. Presented by A.Morgan 1975
(8) The P.Robertson Trophy – Awarded for the fastest 10 mile TT by a club rider. Pete was a strong racing member, holding two club tandem records with Roy Dixon for over 50 years. Presented 1986.
(9) Willochrome Trophy – Awarded to the club rider returning the fastest 25 mile TT. Tommy Daniels had a chrome plating Business (Willochrome) in Newton-le- Willows. Presented by T.Daniels
(10) Charlie Johnson Memorial Trophy – Awarded to the fastest club rider over 50 miles TT. Charlie was a close friend of Arthur Turner. Presented by A.Turner
(11) Ron Spencer Trophy – Awarded to the fastest club rider over 100 miles TT. Presented 1998
(12) Elin Trophy – Awarded to the club rider covering the greatest distance in a 12 hour TT. Presented by N.Lenton Esq.
(13) Warrington Road Club Trophy – Awarded to the club rider
covering the greatest distance in a 24 hour TT. Arthur Vale was in a
Championship winning team with Stan Lea and Arthur Turner.
Presented by A.Vale 1950
(14) Schoolboy Trophy – Awarded to the schoolboy champion
(best rider under 16)
(15) Arthur Hall Memorial Plaque – Awarded to the fastest junior at 25 miles. Arthur was tragically killed at work age 20. Presented by his friends.
(16) The Arthur Turner Trophy – Awarded to the lady with the fastest 25 mile TT of the season. Arthur gained bronze and silver medals in the National Championships in 1953 & 1954. He held club records including (for over 50 years) the 24 hour record and the 100 mile tandem record. Presented 1985
(17) Skelton Trophy – Awarded to the lady rider returning the best average speed in 10, 25, & 50 mile time trials. Jack Skelton owned a cycle shop in Warrington. Presented by J.Skelton Esq.
(18) Mad Hatters Trophy – Awarded to the Under-50’s winner of the Club’s Road Race
(19) Walter Pritchard Memorial Shield – Awarded to the best junior in road races throughout the year. Walter was a founder member of the Road Club (on 17th June 1923) and Treasurer from 1927 to 1947. Subscribed for by club members.
(20) Meadowcroft Trophy – Awarded to the Club Rider with the highest number of points gained in open road races. Ten points to be awarded for first across the line, down to one point for tenth place. This trophy was originally from the Merlin RC – Dave Meadowcroft was tragically killed whilst training
(21) Track Trophy – Awarded to the rider on points for track events
(22) The Veterans Championship Trophy – Awarded to the veteran club rider with the best two standard times from 10, 25 & 50 miles, added up for the best plus to win the championship on J-D-L courses only. Presented by T.Horton Esq 1997.
(23) The Fullelove Trophy – Awarded to the Road Club rider with the most improved performances throughout the season. Arthur Fullelove was a member of the Road Club and had a tyre business in Warrington. Presented 1986.
(24) The Johnny Helms Memorial Trophy – Awarded to the fastest riders on standard in the Johnny Helms Memorial GP de Gentlemen. Johnny first joined the Road Club in 1947. Presented by Warren Bailey, 2010
(25) The Johnny Helms Memorial Plaque – Awarded to the actual fastest riders in the Johnny Helms Memorial GP de Gentlemen. Presented by Warren Bailey, 2010
(26) The Ron Spencer Memorial Trophy – Awarded to the fastest Road Club rider on handicap in the Handicap Time Trial. Presented by the Spencer family, 2012
(27) The Inez Finch Trophy – Awarded to the lady with the fastest 10 mile TT of the season. Presented 2019

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